Project Targets: The project focuses on students from grades 7-12 at Junyi who come from low-income, lower-middle-income, single-parent families, families raising grandchildren, or families actively engaged in indigenous cultural work but are unable to fully cover tuition fees.

From the 101st to the 111th academic year (2012-2022), a total of 210 students were supported, approximately 80% of whom are indigenous, including children from various tribes such as Amis, Puyuma, Bunun, Paiwan, Rukai, Tao, and Truku.

Program Details: Based on family circumstances, full or partial scholarships and grants are provided annually.


Empowering Rural Communities: Helping Kids Succeed through Coding

PTWA works with children that are in most cases raised by single parent, grandparent, or have two working parents with below income. The after-school program is an attractive option for these families as it not only offers support from teachers, but also a meal. Su believes coding can change the