
  • Enhance English proficiency
  • Understand oneself, cultivate independence, and the ability to self-manage
  • Expand international perspective, develop the ability to make friends with the world

Project Target 

Students from low-income, lower-middle-income, single-parent families, families engaged in indigenous cultural work, or those being raised by grandparents, who attend Junyi International Education Experimental School for grades 7-12 but are unable to fully afford the tuition.

From the 101st to the 111th academic year (2012-2022), a total of 210 students have been supported, approximately 80% of whom are indigenous, including children from various tribes such as the Amis, Puyuma, Bunun, Paiwan, Rukai, Tao, and Truku.

公益平台 - 國際 ACFI(The Alliance Cultural Foundation International)

Junyi Innovative Study Abroad Program: The Unconventional Path

The COVID-19 pandemic is by far the greatest challenge this generation has faced. Will the pandemic make humanity more humble, or selfish? This is what we are still observing, yet what is undeniable is that the world is one, and that we are all impacted by the pandemic. Junyi School of Innovation