In 2013, Chairman Stanley Yen was introduced to Waldorf education, which offers a diverse curriculum and humanities and arts training tailored to children's developmental stages. This education emphasizes "nature" and "learning by doing," implementing an inspirational educational approach that is particularly suited and pragmatic for nurturing the innate talents and freedoms of students in the Hualien-Taitung area. That year, Junyi School's elementary division introduced Waldorf education with support from Zhang Chun-Shu, the founder of CiXin Waldorf School in Yilan, and the Anthroposophy Education Foundation. Junyi Elementary staff also traveled to Yilan monthly to participate in teacher training courses, while CiXin Waldorf teachers periodically visited Taitung to assist in hosting parent workdays, aiding in the establishment of Waldorf education in Taitung. In 2015, the Junyi Teacher Training Center officially began its Waldorf education teacher training program. CiXin Waldorf School in Yilan and Junyi School continue to collaborate in offering Waldorf education promotional courses, open for participation to parents and interested teachers.