
Percussion, deeply embedded in human instinct, is particularly important for children's learning, allowing immediate sound-action connections that boost self-confidence. In light of percussion's growing popularity worldwide, The Alliance Cultural Foundation has engaged Mr. Hong-Chi Ho, Vice Conductor of the Ju Percussion Group, as the Artistic Director for the "Pisilian Pawpaw Drum Band." This initiative targets children in Taitung with innate rhythmic talents but no formal musical training, transforming their enthusiasm into a unique and vibrant performance style that also nurtures teamwork.

To further foster percussion education and encourage the sharing of pedagogical insights among Taitung's committed music educators, The Alliance Cultural Foundation and the Junyi School of Innovation have once again welcomed Mr. Ho to educate local educators. This program is designed to expand the reach of percussion to more children in the region, offering a varied and captivating learning experience aimed at unlocking their creative potential.


Teachers in public and private schools in Taitung County who teach percussion, and local students interested in percussion instruction and club involvement.

Teacher Training Curriculum 

  1. Basic Percussion Training
  2. Introduction and Performance of Small Instruments
  3. Music Game Training
  4. Using Percussion in Curriculum Training
  5. Experience of Percussion Ensemble