Chairman Yen pointed out that traditional education has tended to prioritize the development of "doing things" capabilities. However, the most crucial aspect of education is nurturing young people's abilities and qualities in "character, life skills, work ethics." Among these, the foremost ability is "nurturing character," which encompasses "character education." This includes not only a sense of responsibility and moral ethics but also empathy, righteousness, as well as the ability for independent thinking and teamwork. In this rapidly changing era, educators must base their perspectives and modes of thinking on the world that children live in and face. This adjustment is essential for cultivating children's development of life prospect rooted in character and civic literacy.

▌I am an EQ Master Emotional Education Workshop │In the years 2015-2016, emotional education was closely linked to character education. Changes in lifestyle, declining birth rates, and reduced parental time with children have led to an increase in emotionally troubled students. This trend has impacted their interpersonal relationships, self-awareness, and academic achievement. In 2015, the Unified Teacher Training Center invited lecturers from the Xinfuli Emotional Education Promotion Association. They crafted interactive lesson plans for elementary school children, integrating psychology and emotional education research into real-life contexts. These workshops offered teachers opportunities to enhance their "self-awareness," acquire "theoretical knowledge," and improve "teaching methods," thereby guiding children from understanding concepts to taking action and fostering positive character traits.

▌Workshop on the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People │From 2015 to 2017, the "7 Habits" advocated by American management guru Stephen Covey stood apart from mainstream "success studies" due to their foundation in "character." In 1999, amidst developmental challenges, A.B. Combs Elementary School in the United States pioneered the integration of the "7 Habits" into its curriculum, thereby pioneering "self-leadership education." Collaborating with the social enterprise Pide International Education Institution, the Unified Teacher Training Center organized workshops on the "7 Habits of Highly Effective People." The objective was to assist educators in effectively guiding both their personal and professional lives, fostering personal development, and consequently fostering positive school teams and learning environments.