Dear Believers of the Future,

Thank you to all the corporations, foundations, and volunteer partners for your support this past year. Your involvement has been instrumental in enriching our philanthropic journey.

This year, we've made significant strides in understanding and addressing the core issues within tribal communities, shifting our foundation's role from leading to accompanying. We've focused on listening to the tribes, understanding their needs, and providing timely support, despite facing some challenges and negative feedback along the way.

During the summer of 2011, we held seven diverse summer camps in Hualien and Taitung, engaging over 516 participants with activities ranging from English and art to music and indigenous culture. These camps, supported by volunteers from Taiwan and the U.S., not only boosted the children's confidence but also expanded their cultural horizons.

In 2011, we also integrated local guidance with slow travel groups to promote sustainable tourism and support local industries. Our efforts have welcomed over 80 groups, totaling more than 3000 visitors, significantly benefiting the local economy and gaining media attention.

To improve local craftsmanship in Hualien-Taitung, we offered advanced skills courses and professional training, such as sushi making, to enhance local dining experiences for tourists.

Our growing number of volunteers and their dedication have been pivotal in deepening our impact in these communities, from educational reforms to promoting slow travel itineraries and cultural exchanges.

Looking forward, we plan to focus on educational reform as a key strategy for driving long-term change in Hualien-Taitung. In 2012, the Junyi School for Innovation will serve as our pilot for this initiative, aiming to provide a brighter future for disadvantaged students through bilingual and character-building education.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has supported us. Your contributions have made our dreams a reality.


Stanley Yen