Dear Believers of the Future,

If it's not us, then who? If it's not now, then when?

It's time once again to express our heartfelt gratitude. This year, we've chosen to address you as "Believers in Taiwan's Future" in this letter, as it more aptly embodies our shared vision. Indeed, Taiwan is navigating a challenging period marked by economic stagnation, political complexities, and evolving beliefs. However, when viewed from a different angle, the Alliance Cultural Foundation (ACF) is charting the correct course. Even in what some might deem the most trying of times, we continue to discern a ray of hope!

In 2016, ACF shifted its focus towards educational issues, expanding from rural areas to the entire nation.

Junyi's innovative education builds on Waldorf principles, prioritizing real-life experiences as essential learning tools. It cultivates critical thinking, self-expression, and deep exploration to prepare students for the future. While learning English can be challenging for rural children, Junyi dedicates significant resources to English education, aiming to enhance their global communication skills. I look forward to them becoming catalysts for change in their hometowns.

As the Chairman of the Anthroposophy Education Foundation, I'm delighted to witness the steady growth of Steiner Waldorf Schools in Yilan, under the dedicated leadership of Ms. Zhang Chunshu. Demand for primary and secondary school enrollment remains consistently high, with nearly five hundred individuals participating annually in Waldorf teacher training programs. These achievements stand as a testament to Ms. Zhang's unwavering efforts. I'm particularly thrilled that Ms. Zhang Chunshu has recently been appointed as a consultant to the Presidential Office. This signifies the central government's recognition of rural educators' contributions.

The "Hour of Code™" initiative in Taiwan, promoted by the Cheng Zhi Education Foundation and ACF, has made significant progress as the result of collaborative efforts.

The nationwide adoption of the Sharestart Method, initially championed by Mr. Zhang Huicheng, has evolved into a platform for educators across Taiwan. The inaugural Sharestart Method Asian Conference, supported by ACF, deeply inspired teachers and volunteers. 

Another breakthrough was our support for 14 principals and education leaders to attend the KIPP (Knowledge is Power Program) annual conference in the United States during the summer. We have had a longstanding relationship with KIPP. In 2013, I visited this public charter school. In 2014, I participated in their annual conference. In 2015 and 2016, the ACF and Cheng Zhi Education Foundation invited educators to attend their conference for two consecutive years. This year, some teachers and principals have even begun aligning with the footsteps of charter schools in Taiwan, generating a new sense of motivation. Currently, in various corners of Taiwan, many mission-driven educators have started applying for public charter school programs.

In the aspect of training indigenous youth in the tribal communities, we've made substantial changes. Thanks to the scholarship from the Asian Executive Management Program at Brigham Young University-Hawaii, the fourth student to receive this scholarship is currently studying there. This program allows Taiwanese youth to understand the cultural development of Polynesia through an integrated and culturally rich environment. We expanded the program to include an educational tour so that influential young people from the tribes and government agencies who may not be proficient in English can also learn in this environment. We thank Chairman Quintin WU, Chairwoman Weiping SUN, and General Manager WU Jiru for their support. We will continue to host similar educational tours to create a platform for the future tribal and rural policy leaders.

Faced with globalization and intense international competition, Taiwan must chart its course and leverage its strengths while addressing any weaknesses to ensure a sustainable future for the younger generations. Although time and resources are limited, your enthusiastic support has propelled our projects beyond our initial expectations. While opportunities may be dwindling, as long as resources flow, we will persist in our race against time. Your unwavering support has been invaluable, and together, we can gradually transform Taiwan.

In conclusion, the timeless adage holds true: "If not us, then who? If not now, when?" Dear partners, let's continue our collaborative efforts!


Stanley Yen