Dear Believers of the Future,

In 2020, the world was deeply affected by COVID-19, impacting various sectors such as economics, education, healthcare, and politics. Taiwan, relatively fortunate, saw a rise in domestic travel as people sought local experiences. In an era of globalization, the significance of regional or local identity has grown. Over the past three years, the Alliance Cultural Foundation has concentrated on developing the "Binbin Travel Platform" program, aiming to integrate and rebrand local resources in Changbin and Fengbin Townships. This effort has resulted in a more diverse and vibrant culture, particularly prospering under travel restrictions.

Paul Chiang, at the age of 78, spent the past 30 years in New York and Paris before relocating to Jinzun, Taitung, 12 years ago. His retrospective exhibition at the Taipei Fine Arts Museum drew in 125,000 visitors in three months, making it the most visited exhibition during the COVID-19 pandemic. We had the privilege of actively participating in the marketing and promotional efforts throughout the exhibition. Additionally, Paul has generously donated his studio in Jinzun with the hope of transforming it into an international museum.

Huatung is rich in local artistic elements and practices, exemplified by institutions such as the Chishang Barn Art Museum. Travelers can explore this vibrant cultural landscape by taking the Rift Valley Line south from Taitung to Chihpen and the Nanhiu Highway, or by heading north along the Coastal Line, passing through Jialulan, Dulan, Jinzun, Chengkong, and Changbin. The Paul Chiang Art Center will play a crucial role in connecting these cultural sites. Over the next two years, the Alliance Cultural Foundation (ACF) will dedicate itself to the development of the Art Center.

In addition to the Art Center, ACF has taken on the administrative support of Taiwan Connection (TC), founded by Master HU, Nai-Yuan. Although TC was temporarily paused due to COVID-19, it continued its performances in rural schools and corporate settings, aiming to introduce more people to classical music.

ACF has often been likened to an incubator for the nonprofit sector, enabling visionary leaders to expand their influence. Over the past four years, ACF has supported "The Sharestart Method," which has reached more teachers in Malaysia, Singapore, and the United States. Similarly, ACF has invested in the teacher training program known as the "Annual Induction Training for New Teachers" and has passed the responsibility to National Changhua University of Education for future endeavors. However, at this moment, ACF has provided support for developing its online programs as an alternative solution during the pandemic.

In the realm of education, our foremost commitment lies in promoting educational equality through the Junyi School of Innovation in Taitung. Over the past nine years, our "Rural Education Seed Cultivation Program" has supported 164 scholarship recipients, primarily from Hualien, Lanyu (Orchid Island), and Pingtung, making education accessible to underserved regions. Our enhanced curriculum at Junyi School focuses on civic education, nurturing global perspectives and critical thinking skills in students. Our aim is to empower Junyi School students with self-discipline and independent thinking, equipping them to navigate the digital age without undue influence. We have developed arts, hospitality, and green architecture programs, along with pursuing higher education overseas at esteemed institutions. With the foundation's support, they continue to explore their talents and make a positive impact on their communities.

High school is a crucial stage for adolescent personality development. In recent years, we've witnessed a growing issue of youth depression in the education sector. However, there is a shortage of counseling resources among teachers and not enough time for professional counselors. Thus, ACF launched "The Listener" Program, hoping to equip frontline teachers and parents with the basic skills and knowledge to detect and communicate effectively.

In the current world, even before the pandemic, we were already isolating ourselves from one another. Superficial altruism has been replaced by self-interest. The pandemic has exposed these vulnerabilities in human nature. It seems that the pandemic was merely the final straw that broke the trust between humans. In this challenging global landscape, ACF is profoundly grateful for your tangible and intangible support, along with that of many other generous individuals. We started with rural education in Taiwan, hoping that what we do today can serve as an example for Taiwanese society.


Stanley Yen